Monday, August 30, 2010

The Red Man of the Forest: The Bornean Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) - maximum card created for me by my friend Shinta (Indonesia)

I've read somewhere ['cause I don't read only from :) ] that male orangutans don't fight with each other over mating rights, allegedly. Not worth the aggravation?
But here's what wikipedia says:
"Although orangutans are generally passive, aggression toward other orangutans is very common; they are solitary animals and can be fiercely territorial. Immature males will try to mate with any female, and may succeed in forcibly copulating with her if she is also immature and not strong enough to fend him off. Mature females easily fend off their immature suitors, preferring to mate with a mature male."
A young male orangutan may look for a "fender-bender".
Or, he may be a bender, but she may be a fender.
Fender of the of-fender (repeat offender).