Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Old (1973) maximum card from Romania: The European Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus), also known as the Western Roe Deer or chevreuil, is an Eurasian species of deer.

This photo image shows a very delicate fawn of the Roe Deer species.

The Americanization of Bambi:
"The world famous deer Bambi (the eponymous character of the books Bambi, A Life in the Woods, and its sequel Bambi's Children, by Felix Salten) is originally a roe deer. It was only when the story was adapted into the animated feature film Bambi, by the Walt Disney Studios, was Bambi changed to a white-tailed deer. This change was made due to the white-tail being a more familiar species to the mainstream U.S. viewers. Consequently, the setting was also changed to a North American wilderness."