Thursday, July 22, 2010

Maximum card from Belarus: The European Polecat (Mustela putorius), also known as a fitch, foumart, or foulmart

This species is the wild ancestor of the domesticated ferret, that you can see in pet shops.
"It s a member of the Mustelidae family, and is related to the stoatsotters, and minks."

The Romanian word for Polecat is Dihor.
While in high school in Romania, we used to have fun about that.
If something stinks, then "it smells like Christian Dihor" - in joking reference to the famous brand name of fine perfumes Christian Dior.

The pictorial postmark shows not a polecat, but a fox. 

I love, despite all its imperfections and controversy. You can read and research deeper and deeper, as you like, by clicking on hyperlinks.

If you click on certain hyperlinks below, you'll discover some mind-boggling facts, concepts, expressions and terms, all the way to the Bruce Effect and the Coolidge Effect.
There's a minefield of juicy comments that can be made, but this blog is rated G.
If there is such a thing as the Freedom of Speech, maybe I should create another blog, too.
With no speech restriction, like a stand-up comedian affords to do. :)

"Though polecats are chiefly polygynous, females can be polyandrous.[5] The sexual conflict of the mating system can change with environmental conditions. Sexual conflict may result in sexually antagonistic co-evolution, in which one sex evolves a "manipulative" character which is countered by a "resistance" trait in the other sex."

Happy Postcard Friendship Friday!
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