Sunday, July 17, 2011

Gleizerov winner on superior tiebreak of International Championship of Slovakia

International Championship of Slovakia
GM Evgeny Gleizerov winner on superior tiebreak

The International Championship of Slovakia was played from 9th to 17th July 2011 in Banská Štiavnica for the second year in succession. The Championship was managed by SSZ, Town and SK Banska Stiavnica, and split into two groups - Open A and Open B.

In addition, Štiavnica Bughouse Championship was held on 13th July and Štiavnica Blitz Championship on 14th July.

Local Grandmasters Tomas Petrik and Jan Markos won their last round games to catch the Russian GM Evgeny Gleizerov on the shared first place with 7 points each. Gleizerov was declared winner on superior tiebreak criteria. Full standings bellow.

Peter Jancovic (SVK 2131) won the Open B with 7.5 points from nine games. 82 players competed in this group.

Chess legends GM Lajos Portisch and GM Lubomír Kaválek played a blindfold game and held a simultaneous exhibition on 16th July.

Final top 10 standings:

1 GM Gleizerov Evgeny RUS 2590 - 7
2 GM Petrik Tomas SVK 2505 - 7
3 GM Markos Jan SVK 2585 - 7
4 GM Boros Denes HUN 2502 - 6.5
5 GM Michalik Peter SVK 2505 - 6.5
6 IM Cernousek Lukas CZE 2424 - 6.5
7 GM Timoscenko Gennadij SVK 2502 - 6.5
8 GM Ftacnik Lubomir SVK 2556 - 6
9 GM Gonda Laszlo HUN 2512 - 6
10 GM Medvegy Zoltan HUN 2527 - 6
11 FM Petenyi Tamas SVK 2398 - 6
12 IM Jurcik Marian SVK 2481 - 6
13 FM Vojtek Vladimir SVK 2298 - 6