Sunday, July 31, 2011

People in FOLK COSTUMES, on colorful stamps from ROMANIA (including 1 from then-SSR MOLDOVA, 1961). Also, my "Spirit of Observation TESTS" for y'all MENSA member wannabes: name the region from which the costumes depicted in these 4 postcards are! All the stamps are inscribed with the folkloric region, but not all costumes in the postcards are also depicted on stamps (or are they?) - [don't sweat it] :)

The following are "tests" of Spirit of Observation - not of folkloric knowledge!
Only a few Romanians, and the Japanese guy are experts on Romanian folk costumes.
All I'm asking you is to match a costume on a postcard, with a costume on a stamp (which also has the name of the folkloric region). If possible.
Again, don't sweat it. :)
Test 1: from what folkloric region of ROMANIA are these costumes?

Test 2: from what folkloric region of ROMANIA are these costumes?

Test 3: from what folkloric region of ROMANIA are these costumes?
I have recently sold this vintage postcard from 1910, for $12.
Sent by J. Montagne (?) [no, not Michel de Montaigne, the famous essayist] on 28 June 1910 (or 27 June, according to the postmark - one of them is wrong) from Sinaia, ROMANIA, to Jean Henry, in France.
Can you decipher the handwriting?

I have read about a Japanese expert in ETHNOGRAPHY and FOLKLORE, who traveled around the world 3 times, in search of regions where the folkloric traditions are rich, and not-so-spoiled by modern civilization.
He declared that THIS region from Romania (starts with M), represented in the postcard/maximum card above, is categorically his favorite, the best-preserved and the most complex folkloric region in the world.
Hand-sewn folk costumes, wood carvings such as the traditional home gate above, songs, many cultural traditions, the whole way of life - they all impressed deeply our Japanese researcher.
Arigato, and welcome to the club - many other people have discovered and appreciated all that, before and after you. :)

Now, the stamps, scanned in 300dpi, so click and click them:

I have purchased all these stamps one series at a time, many years ago, as a young boy in Romania.
So what if they are CTOs? (canceled-to-order)
They served my purpose of affordable collecting.
It would have been almost impossible to gather all these as really circulated thru the mail.
And 4+ times more expensive to get them mint, not postmarked.

Now, decades after, I share them with the World.
Which "World" is actually only a few individuals, here and there in the cyberspace, most of whom will be marginally interested, at best.
But hey!...Japanese ethnography expert, if you're still alive: konnichi-wa! :)
FlagCoat of arms
AnthemDeşteaptă-te, române!
Awaken thee, Romanian!

Desteapta-te, romane!.ogg
Location of  Romania  (dark green)– on the European continent  (green & dark grey)– in the European Union  (green)  —  [Legend]
Location of  Romania  (dark green)
– on the European continent  (green & dark grey)
– in the European Union  (green)  —  [Legend]
(and largest city) - Stema Bucuresti - Transparenta.png Bucharest
44°25′N 26°06′E
Official language(s)Romanian
Ethnic groups (2002)89.5% Romanians,
6.6% Hungarians, 2.5%Roma, 2% others[1]

"Romania (Listeni/rˈmniə/ roh-may-nee-ə; also spelled: Rumania,[6] dated: Roumania;[7]RomanianRomânia [romɨˈni.a] ( listen)) is a country located at the crossroads of Central and Southeastern Europe, on the Lower Danube, within and outside the Carpathian arch, bordering on the Black Sea.[8] Romania shares a border with Hungary and Serbia to the west, Ukraine and Moldova to the northeast and east, and Bulgaria to the south.
At 238,391 square kilometers (92,043 sq mi), Romania is the ninth largest country of theEuropean Union by area, and has the seventh largest population of the European Union with 21.5 million people.[9]
 Its capital and largest city is Bucharest (RomanianBucurești [bukuˈreʃtʲ] ( listen)), the sixth largest city in the EU with about two million people.
The Kingdom of Romania emerged when the principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia were united under Prince Alexander Ioan Cuza in 1859. 
Independence from the Ottoman Empire was declared on May 9, 1877, and was internationally recognized the following year. 
At the end of World War ITransylvaniaBukovina and Bessarabia united with the Kingdom of Romania. 
Greater Romania emerged into an era of progression and prosperity that would continue until World War II
By the end of the War, many north-eastern areas of Romania's territories were occupied by the Soviet Union, and Romania forcibly became a socialist republic and a member of the Warsaw Pact.
With the fall of the Iron Curtain and the 1989 Revolution, Romania began to transition towards democracy and a capitalist market economy
After a decade of post-revolution economic problems, extensive reforms fostered economic recovery and the country joined the European Union on 1 January 2007. 
Romania is now an upper middle-income country with high human development[10] and relatively high standards of living.[11]
Romania joined NATO on 29 March 2004, and is also a member of the Latin Union, of the Francophonie, of the OSCE and of the United Nations, as well as an associate member of theCPLP
Today, Romania is a unitary semi-presidential republic, in which the executive branch consists of the President and the Government.[12]"
Happy Sunday Stamps meme!