This is a folded card/greeting card, onto which I affixed stamps and I obtained pictorial postmarks (request by mail) from a post office in Loveland, Colorado.
This card is in no way inferior to a regular, "real" postcard that can be usually bought for some 33 cents, plus tax. Look at the price of this card.
Also, it is lenticular/3D/stereoscopic - and it looks pretty cool!
Out of many (E PLURIBUS) "hearts" in a "black and white" world, the card implies that there's only one (UNUM) that's bright red for you, for your eyes/heart/mind/soul, and body, too.
What if you and your "other half" are not in geographic proximity?
What if you are, but you walk right past your UNUM, oblivious to the heart "in living colors"?
How can you assess (not asses) if an unidentified, new "heart candy" is good beyond the physionomy?
The core could be hard or soft, bitter or sweet (or bittersweet), etc.
Some choose to sample-kiss frogs, others choose to sample-break "hearts".
Here's a very nice blog, hosted by Beth, with a quite catchy title: