Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Mrs. CPAC On The Gays

"Rena, it IS a threat to society. It is not nature's way. They can't procreate, can they?....You hvae them in your family? Well, there is no reason not to like them or love them, the same way you would love one who has a disability, or an illness, etc. I just DO NOT want them pushing their agenda on the majority who are not. This is just about sexual preference--keep it in the bedroom!!!! It is not about being denied any constitutional rights.....Ana, I got your point.....I am just tired of this topic being shoved in our face continually by all these gay activists and I have to ventilate my feelings.... You know I always wondered why homosexuals are referred to as 'gay', kind of an oxymoron? Nothing really 'gay' about them or their movement......I am all for intellectual honesty too!!" - Diana Cardenas, wife of CPAC chair Al Cardenas, in a virulently anti-gay Facebook battle.

RELATED: Pam Spaulding directs us to this Scribd page where screenshots have been preserved.