Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sheila Jackson Lee at Today's Muslim Hearing "Investigate The Right Wing Extremists""

Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Tx) is beginning to sound like a broken record and warped one at that. Today was the third installment of Peter King’s (D-NY) Muslim Radicalization hearings. While all of the committee members where focused on the threat of the potential radicalization of American Muslims, the Texas moonbat thought continued her tradition of making at least one ignorant outburst during each of King's hearings.

This time she argued that there should also be a set of hearing about those right-wing extremists.

“I would add to that, that I would like to have a hearing on right-wing extremists, ideologues who advocate violence and advocate, in essence, the terrorizing of certain groups."
For those of you who are thinking that Lee was reacting to last weeks horror in Oslo, the answer is no she does it all the time.

During the first day of hearings back in March Jackson Lee asked  LA County Sheriff Baca a question about his deputies’ outreach to minority groups. When Baca mentioned that he had a Muslim officer accompanying him, Lee began clapping.

That drew a reprimand from Peter King, who admonished all member and guests to avoid "outbursts" that's when Jackson-Lee's famous temper took over.

But the best part was the dead pan comment of the next congressman. "That's a tough act to follow."

If you cannot see two videos in this post click here.

The second hearing on Muslim radicalization saw Jackson Lee insisting on asking about the non-existent Christian militants who were trying to undermine the government.   King replied by reminding the Congressional Nutjob:

I would just remind the members of the minority for four years they controlled this committee and they could have had hearings on any of these issues at any other time if they wanted to. I never heard any mention of any of these groups at these hearings until we held our first hearing on Muslim radicalization. I wish you would have been as attentive during the previous four years.
 In other words....TAKE THAT!

After today's Jackson Lee demand for an inquiry into those right wing radicals who have been blowing up all those locations in America, she used much of her remaining time to question panelists with expertise on radicalization about the alleged hacking into telephones of 9-11 victims by the now-closed News of the World tabloid in England.

Look at the bright side, at least she didn't talk about Vietnam again.

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