Sunday, July 17, 2011

Seeking a new world chess record

New world chess record sought
July 17, 2011, 5:17pm

CEBU CITY, Cebu — After successfully setting the record for the world’s largest dance class last 2009, this year the Cebu City Sports Commission (CCSC) in partnership with the Department of Education (DepEd) will again try to break a record by having the largest chess tournament.

The current record holder for the said event is Krasnoyarsk, Russia, with 1,214 participants, which is why the CCSC and the Department of Education will try to have over 30,000 participants coming from various schools, chess clubs, and community groups.

“This event will be open to all public schools, private and chess clubs,” said CCSC chairman Edward Hayco, who plans to tap the support of 120 public schools in Cebu City with a combined population of 160,000 students.

However, Hayco stressed the world record attempt is just an icing in the cake and a good reward for the noble aim of implementing a working chess competition and chess development program in Cebu City.

In preparation for the historic event, the CCSC launched the chess grassroots development program as well as a coaching and officiating seminar last week at this city’s DepEd division office.

After the launch, representatives from different schools held a chess coaching and officiating seminar to get ready for aforesaid tournament. (Phoebe Jen Indino)