Saturday, July 16, 2011

Petrosian still leads Villa de Benasque Open

Tigran Petrosian keeps dominant position at international Benasque International Chess Open

Tigran Petrosian keeps dominant position at international Benasque International Chess Open
July 16, 2011 - 13:02 AMT

PanARMENIAN.Net - Villa de Benasque International Chess Open ongoing in Spain is next to be over; one tour remains till its ending.

In the 9th tour, Armenian Grandmaster Tigran Petrosian playing with black pieces with Georgi Timoshenko (Ukraine) ended their game in a draw. Both chess players have 7,5 points to their score, Petrosian is leading thanks to tie break results.

In the last tour, Armenian Grandmaster will rival Twan Burg (Netherlands), who also has 7,5 points.

Zaven Andriasyan ended the game in a draw with Jiri Stocek of Czech Republic and with 7 points ranks the the 9th. Karen Movsisian went down to the 23nd place with 6,5 points.

The tournament hosts 471 chess players, 35 of which are grandmasters.
