Saturday, July 16, 2011

Part 1. "Sir, you have the rarest of collections!..." a cyberguest told me. My answer: thank you for your kind appreciation [delusional, too :) ], but your choice of words exposes you to harsh criticism. Yes, I have some rare or unique items, but the SUPERLATIVE is N/A [not applicable] to my collection.

A cyberguest visited my blog and my photobucket album, and then he said:
"Sir, you have the rarest of collections!..."

Let me burst that bubble: nobody has the rarest collection of anything...unless there is a precise definition, context and frame of reference.
Semantics make all the difference here.
What role do Quality and Quantity play?
Who's to objectively evaluate that?

But I will say this: I have over 1,000 maximum card images uploaded, but many other collectors have presumably more and better.
It's just that they did not upload them, for whatever reason.
You can't evaluate what you don't see, in this case.
I also have many images that I didn't upload yet.

For stamps, I have several stock albums, but that's nothing compared to what others have accumulated over the years.

What I DO have as rare (only 20, or 40, or so, in the world) is, for example, a set of over 45 different personalized stamp designs that I created and bought.
Even sold, some -  I haven't put up for sale all designs, yet.
I have created over 140 stamp designs, for sale (except about 10) in my Public Gallery at zazzle - but many will never become stamps thru purchasing, because they are experiments, proof-of-concept.

Here are 42 designs of mine from zazzle and 2 from (can you spot them?).
I created and purchased other designs for friends and customers, but I didn't retain any stamp of those - it's their stuff, paid and received in USA, Romania, Republic of South Africa...:)...4 more continents to go in my Conquest of the World :) .
Still, I have a few that were gifted back to me, on maximum cards.
I'll show you in another blogpost, Part 2 or so.

Happy Sunday Stamps meme!