Saturday, July 16, 2011

FIDE President continues his working trip to India

FIDE President continues his working trip to India
Friday, 15 July 2011 07:29

The FIDE President continues his working trip to India which has turned out very rich and productive.

On July 13 it was announced that India nominated Chennai to host the Anand-Gelfand match.

On July 14 Kirsan Ilyumzhinov met with the Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports, Mr. Ajay Maken. "We discussed a great number of important issues related to chess development in India and around the world", the President noted. The planned bid from India to host the Women's Championship between Hou Yifan and Humpy Koneru and "Chess in Schools" programme were also discussed.

The Minister supported the programme and even took the initiative by proposing to organize the meeting with the Minister of Education. According to him there will be an opportunity to involve up to 300 million students not only from state schools but also private schools." Mr. Ajay Maken supported the idea of including chess in the Olympic Games programme, noted good management of the All India Chess Federation and spoke in favor of Indian students studying chess in Russian universities, considering the traditions and achievements of the Russian chess school.

At one point, the conversation turned in a more lighthearted direction, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov reported. Mr. Maken told him that most of his colleagues in Parliament enjoy spending leisure time at the chessboard. The FIDE President offered to organize the FIDE President Cup among the Members of Parliament.

The meeting was also attended by FIDE Vice President D.V. Sundar, FIDE Chief Executive Officer Geoffrey Borg, Director of the Moscow office of FIDE Berik Balgabaev and General Secretary of All India Chess Federation Bharat Singh.

Today Kirsan Ilyumzhinov met with the General Secretary of Indian Olympic Association Mr. Raja Singh who is also a member of the IOC and the General Secretary of the Olympic Council of Asia. Ilyumzhinov told about FIDE activities, his working trip to India, and the possible development of chess in most populous democracy in the world.

Mr. Raja Singh supported the idea of including chess in the programme of Olympic Games and noted that India has good medal prospects. He also shared some suggestions on further promotion of chess in Hindustan and the Asian continent.

At the meeting were present FIDE Vice President D.V. Sundar, FIDE Chief Executive Officer Geoffrey Borg, and Director of the Moscow office of FIDE Berik Balgabaev and General Secretary of All India Chess Federation Bharat Singh.