Monday, August 22, 2011

The Meter Stamp Society - World Personal Postage. What is missing from this webpage above is the name of the BEST source [in my personal, but practical expert opinion :) ] of CUSTOMIZED POSTAGE / PERSONALIZED STAMPS / PERSONALISED STAMPS: ZAZZLE

The Meter Stamp Society - World Personal Postage
"Countries all over the world now have postage products that have some form of personal images on the stamps. Some allow a user's supplied image on the stamp. Some allow the user image on a label next to the stamp. There are variations of this. Canada started in 1994 with a stamp that had a round hole. The mailers were encouraged to paste the stamp over their own photo. Australia at the Australia 99 show provided stamps with the user's picture on a label next to the stamp.

This table attempts to provide a fairly complete list of countries that provide some form of Personal Postage stamp product. The list, by its nature will have to change."

What is missing from this webpage above is the name of the BEST source [in my personal, but practical expert opinion :) ] of CUSTOMIZED POSTAGE / PERSONALIZED STAMPS / PERSONALISED STAMPS:
The USA vendor list shows Pitney Bowes, which is a partner of Zazzle, but Zazzle is the single best (in a class by itself, above the rest) source for designing, buying and selling them.
Trust me!
And if you don't trust me yet on that, why don't you go ahead and research the issue, including my philatelic blog here, and then come back to talk with me.
You do that.