Monday, February 9, 2009

Où êtes-vous donc?

In honor of Jeremy Richey at Moon in the Gutter's dedication of February as "M.I.A. on Region 1 DVD" month, I've cultivated a list of twenty-eight (I assume this isn't a leap year; I didn't check) of my favorite films that have yet to be released on the format. I will hopefully write further on a number of these titles if I can dust of my VCR and/or get a chance to watch the DVD dubs I made of a number of them. They are in no particular order. As of right now, I'm still in the deciding stages of whether or not I want to establish a more definitive list of titles still M.I.A. in the US on DVD. PS: You can find #28 right here, so feel free to fill your endless need for Asia Argento.

1. Céline and Julie Go Boating [Céline et Julie vont en bateau] - dir. Jacques Rivette - 1974 - France

2. Play It As It Lays - dir. Frank Perry - 1972 - USA

3. Nowhere - dir. Gregg Araki - 1997 - USA/France

4. Trouble Every Day - dir. Claire Denis - 2001 - France/Germany/Japan

5. Johnny Guitar - dir. Nicholas Ray - 1954 - USA

6. The Devils - dir. Ken Russell - 1971 - UK

7. Taxidermia - dir. György Pálfi - 2006 - Hungary/Austria/France

8. Wise Blood - dir. John Huston - 1979 - USA/West Germany

9. Drowning by Numbers - dir. Peter Greenaway - 1988 - UK/Netherlands

10. The Garden - dir. Derek Jarman - 1990 - UK/Germany

11. The Addiction - dir. Abel Ferrara - 1995 - USA/Argentina

12. Labyrinth of Passion [Laberinto de pasiones] - dir. Pedro Almodóvar - 1982 - Spain

13. Rosetta - dir. Jean-Pierre Dardenne, Luc Dardenne - 1999 - Belgium/France

14. La vie nouvelle [A New Life] - dir. Philippe Grandrieux - 2002 - France

15. The Passion of Darkly Noon - dir. Philip Ridley - 1995 - UK/Germany/Belgium

16. Ruby in Paradise - dir. Victor Nunez - 1993 - USA

17. Savage Nights [Les nuits fauves] - dir. Cyril Collard - 1992 - France/UK/Italy

18. Shy People - dir. Andrei Konchalovsky - 1987 - USA

19. Ploy - dir. Pen-ek Ratanaruang - 2007 - Thailand

20. Super 8½ - dir. Bruce La Bruce - 1995 - Canada/Germany/USA

21. Thieves [Les voleurs] - dir. André Téchiné - 1996 - France

22. Trust - dir. Hal Hartley - 1990 - USA/UK

23. Zéro de conduite [Zero for Conduct] - dir. Jean Vigo - 1933 - France

24. Interrogation [Przesluchanie] - dir. Ryszard Bugajski - 1982 - Poland

25. Boom! - dir. Joseph Losey - 1968 - UK

26. Summer with Monika [Sommaren med Monika] - dir. Ingmar Bergman - 1953 - Sweden

27. The Banishment [Izgnanie] - dir. Andrei Zvyagintsev - 2007 - Russia

28. Cindy, the Doll Is Mine - dir. Bertrand Bonello - 2005 - France