Saturday, June 11, 2011

6 continents mixed in a maximum card with a WWF 50th Anniversary stamp from UK. The Russian postcard publisher stated on the back that the postcard image shows a гиена [hyena], but I "guaradamtee" you that it's an African Wild Dog (Lycaon pictus)!

I have created this maximum card with elements connected, more or less, to 6 continents.

Africa: here's where this animal species lives in the wild.

Europe: the stamp is from the United Kingdom.

Europe and Asia: the postcard publisher is from Russia, a country with most of its territory in Asia.

South America and North America: the postmark shows a Blue-and-Yellow Macaw (Ara ararauna), also known as the Blue-and-Gold Macaw, that lives mostly in South America, but also in Panama and Florida, USA. The Royal Mail UK did not let a dog (matching pictorial postmark) out, so I chose this one, with the parrot. 
It's all "in the family of WWF".

Australia: there's a captive breeding program for the African Wild Dog at the Monarto Zoo, Australia.

The Russian postcard publisher stated on the back that the postcard image shows a гиена [hyena], but that's a bunch of CROC! :)

Ka-kalinka maia...гиена maias.

The animal depicted is the African Wild Dog (Lycaon pictus).

THIS is a Spotted Hyena (Crocuta crocuta): 

Don't play pink-tongue with a "гиена" [hyena]!
Happy Pink Saturday! (still open on Sunday!)

Please visit "Pretty in pink"/ "Show us your pink" [objects, that is :)] meme here: