The obituary which "record[ed] its profound esteem for the life work of Rabbi Hayyim Soloveiszik"seems to have been written by Rabbi Gotthard Deutsch who met him. Below is a full account of his impressions formed from meeting him. The impressions are on the third page, but one might as well read the whole article.
Note how genuine the impressions seem. Busy house with people coming and going. Visitors asking all kinds of questions, and assuming he could give magnificent advice, and him acting very Litvish, trying not to give blessings and demurely directing them to see a doctor and the like. Why, it he really was there! It's a little ironic that in 1918 Deutsch declares that "Elijah of Wilna now belongs to ancient history," although he is correct insofar as that world itself is now gone, with a neo-world in its place. But he sure was wrong that the world of Rabbis Samson Raphael Hirsch and Meir Berlin would replace it, rather than these remaining alternatives.