Thursday, June 11, 2009
Chicken Liver Balls
I'm on my way up to Chicago to cross one of my life goals off the list: seeing PJ Harvey live. After having tickets for three of her shows that were canceled during her Uh Huh Her tour, I finally have my chance, which has been quite a long time coming. I may not update for the next couple days (then again, maybe I will). If you haven't checked it out already, I highly recommend PJ and John Parish's latest album A Woman, A Man Walked By, which ranks among the best music releases this year, along with Fever Ray's Fever Ray, Animal Collective's Merriweather Post Pavillion, Grizzly Bear's Veckatimest and Bat for Lashes' Two Suns. I'm always down for new music recommendations as well, so toss 'em my way.